Monday, June 29, 2020

Sea Life homework

Another fun cut and paste homework page about who lives in the ocean...these kiddos are so smart!!!

Seafood Feast

We have been learning about Sea Life this month so I decided that the kiddos needed to taste what we have been learning about. They were a bit shocked to say the least but 3 of them devoured their goodies and asked for more! They tried crab, 2 different shrimps, octopus, squid and clams.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Happy Birthday Emmanuel

Our Emmanuel is the Big 4 now and he is such a happy boy! His mommy made goodie bags and his Aunt made the cupcakes!! Happy Birthday Emmanuel...we love you buddy!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Dominick is the teacher

Our Dominick is giving a quick lesson on the proper way to play with this pop up toy...Lol

Friday, June 12, 2020

Surprise for Dad

Masterpieces all wrapped up for Fathers Day!!! No pictures so we don't give away the surprise...Happy Fathers Day Dads!!!

Fun "Playdough" Friday

Of course it cant be Fun Friday without play dough...It just wouldn't be right!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Daycare paint party!

The kiddos love our paint parties, and this one is for Dad. They all picked their templates earlier this week and now get to create their masterpiece!!

Monday, June 8, 2020

We have blooms!

We are so excited to see these beautiful blooms on our zucchini this morning. The kiddos have no idea what we are growing but they are ready to taste them for sure!!!

Ocean Life

We love learning about Ocean Life...all things that live in the ocean. We have done "Sea Life" before but "Ocean Life" talks about ALL things that live in the ocean and they love it!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Learning to Legos

These kiddos went from learning games to Lego's in a snap! They love to learn but Lego's is always the fave.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020